Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

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Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

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Ellen Margaret Brunelle thought jokes should be banned - jokes about paedophiles that is.She often thought how terrible it must be to be a kid who was being abused and to hear the whole world laughing at them. It was worse than the very worst virus - child abuse - and the damage spread just as quickly.

Teenage Ellen knew that Myra Hindley had been treated worse than an animal when she was a child. And although she knew that there was no excuse whatsoever for that woman's vile behaviour, she also knew how Myra's childhood and how she eventually turned out as an adult proved just how easily a young mind could be savaged.

She was very much aware of all the websites that existed - websites that were blatantly encouraging lewd and depraved behaviour. Not only were innocent children being abused, but babies were actually being sexualised from birth.

It was horrendous. It was all so terribly and despicably wrong in Ellen's eyes - and not enough was being done to stop it.

But it seemed like people didn't want to know, or want to read, or want to hear about it - sometimes even when it was happening under their own roofs - sometimes even to their own children.

There were those who didn't want to upset the apple cart by facing up to it, those who didn't want their apparently perfect lives ruined by divulging such atrocities going on under their own roofs.

In Miss Brunelle's eyes those types were almost as bad as the abuser - those who covered up, those who refused to listen, those who refused to believe, and those who let it continue...

But then there was the other end of the scale - the liars who blatantly lie and make it all up.

That well known adage often rang true... "Ain't no fury like a woman scorned."

And those who lie and bring a good man down are as bad as any abuser - just like she herself had done?


Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #8581056 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 97.01" h x .59" w x 30.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 229 pages
Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. very good, a very thought provoking read especially with regard ... By Jennifer Finished in a weekend, very good, a very thought provoking read especially with regard to our teenagers and what they may be up against out there in the big bad world - and perhaps a little reminder too...for those who have come through those tumultuous years in one piece!

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Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar
Behaving Disgracefully, by Roni Walkar

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